The process of getting a pet is always a great experience. Guinea pigs are the type of pets that will turn you into a happy person, as they are small, super cute, easy to pet, and great listeners. There is always a range of products to choose from when it comes to guinea pigs: type of food, giving them the best cage and excellent life, but the name is really also important because this name is going to stick with you for years.
We will offer you ten different name themes:
- Cute Name
- Unique Princess Name
- Cute Longhair Girl Names
- Mythic Names
- Flower Names
- Biblical Names
- Medieval Names
- Literary Names
- Ancient and Vintage Names
- Food Names
Your cute guinea pig girl deserves to have a fabulous amazing name. If you picked a female guinea pig, you came to the right place because here you are going to find your perfect girl guinea pig name.
With over 500 names in our detailed list, it will take some time to find the perfect name for your little guinea pig pet. Enjoy this whole process and do not worry, you will find the perfect name!
Ten Different Name Themes
Cute Girl Guinea Pig Names
Let’s start with cute guinea pig names for our girls. These are more unique princess names for your girl guinea pigs. This sounds lighter, unique, and delicate. If your girl is calm, spoiled, likes to hang around with you, this list is for her.
From typical girl names to forgotten ones, you will find a wide range of cute names for your girl piggy.
Alma | Elise | Luz |
Almary | Ella | Lyric |
Angel | Elsie | Maggie |
Aria | Emma | Maria |
Ariel | Erin | Mariah |
Aries | Esme | Mia |
Autumn | Eva | Mila |
Ava | Evie | Mirabelle |
Ayn | Felicia | Moon |
Bay | Finn | Mykonos |
Beanie | Fishy | Paris |
Beau | Fluffy | Perla |
Bee | Gabriela | Pixie |
Belle | Glory | Prissy |
Berlin | Gucci | Queen |
Bijou | Harley | Rain |
Birdy | Harmonia | Roma |
Blair | Harriet | Rosabella |
Boo | Hazel | Sammy |
Cassei | Honey | Sea |
Celestia | Indigo | Shadow |
Chiara | Ivy | Shay |
Chica | Ivy | Sky |
Chicago | Jewel | Snow |
Chrissy | Joy | Snowflake |
Christa | Juliet | Star |
Cindy | Kiki | Strawberry |
Coco | Kitty | Sun |
Cristal | Kono | Sunny |
Daenerys | Lacey | Sydney |
Dairy | Lady | Vene |
Daisy | Leah | Wangi |
Daria | Leandria | Waris |
Dee | Lillian | Wavy |
Dream | Lottie | Winter |
Elina | Luna | Zoe |
Unique Princess Names for a Girl Guinea Pig

You may want to give a more royal name to your girl guinea pig and trust me, there are also options for that. Choosing one of the following names will make your little girl guinea pig friend feel like the queen of the world and really it is so much fun to have a guinea pig queen in your own home. It’s also a great way to honor someone who you looked up to.
Agnes | Elizabeth | Mary |
Anneliese | Genevieve | Matilda |
Arianna | Grace | May |
Aspasia | Ida | Saxa |
Aura | Iesha | Serenity |
Brielle | Isabella | Sibyl |
Charlotte | Jael | Tiara |
Diana | Jasmine | Valentina |
Edith | Marian | Victoria |
Cute Longhair Girl Guinea Pig Names
If your girl guinea pig likes to make a show, the following names are a perfect fit. Sassy, funny, and adorable at the same time! Let her wild spirit reflect on her name.
Abby | Eloise | Molly |
Alessia | Elva | Nala |
Alexa | Esther | Nova |
Allegria | Expresso | Olive |
Anita | Goretti | Olivia |
Bali | Guiomary | Oprah |
Bambi | Gypsy | Parker |
Bandit | Hatty | Phoenix |
Becky | India | Piper |
Buddha | Jaclyn | Quinn |
Buffy | Java | Rae |
Chelsea | Jayla | Remi |
Chita | Julia | Riley |
Chyna | Kelsey | Roxy |
Cora | Kenya | Rufina |
Corinne | Kia | Saskia |
Crocetta | Kira | Sassy |
Cyan | Kona | Scout |
Daffy | Leia | Simba |
Daiva | Lexi | Snowball |
Dallas | Lola | Stella |
Daysha | Lucky | Tallulah |
Deb | Lucy | Tisha |
Demi | Lulu | Trinity |
Devora | Malia | Trixie |
Dixie | Messy | Vegas |
Dory | Messyena | Violet |
Eddie | Mocha | Ximena |
Mythic Names for a Girl Guinea Pigs

These fabulous names are no longer used but they have such beautiful meanings. Mythology names are the most gorgeous thing ever and, with their hidden meanings, your new girl piggy will feel special and loved.
With more than 50 unique guinea pig names, you will have a hard time choosing the best one. To make things easier for you, for some of the names of girl guinea pigs, we revealed the meanings.
Aditi (Freedom) | Eirene (Peace) | Lamia |
Aegle (Glory) | Emer | Lilith (Of the night) |
Aino | Erna | Louhi |
Alcippe (Strenght) | Evadne (Good) | Maia |
Althea (Healing) | Fauna | Medeia (To Plan) |
Amor (Love) | Flora | Medusa |
Apate | Flora (Flower) | Metis (Wisdom) |
Aphrodite (Love, Beauty) | Gaia | Neas |
Artemis | Harmonia | Ness |
Athena | Helle | Nuah |
Atlanta | Hermione | Pandora (All gifts) |
Bhumi (Earth, Soil) | Indira | Priya |
Cassiopea | Io | Selena |
Daphne | Jaya | Skadi |
Devi | Kali | Tara |
Dione | Ki | Venus |
Doris | Lakshmi | Yami (Twin) |
Flower Names for a Girl Guinea Pig
Spring means flowers start to show themselves after a long and dark winter. Flowery names are a beautiful way to honor your new girl guinea pig and. Take a look at our list, there are so many to choose from.
Anemone | Gardenia | Petunia |
Bee Balm | Heather | Poppy |
Bellflower | Honesty | Primola |
Blazing Star | Lilac | Primrose |
Bluebell | Lotus | Silene |
Cosmos | Nymphea | Sunflower |
Dahlia | Peony | Tulip |
Dianella |
Biblical Names for Female Guinea Pigs
Biblical names have such a strong meaning. If you are someone who believes in God, then giving your guinea pig a biblical name will be special for you. Having a little guinea pig friend whose name means a lot to you and to your religious life will make you happier!
Abra | Elisha | Mehitabel |
Abra | Eve | Mehitabel |
Adah | Eve | Noa |
Agrippa | Jezebel | Rochelle |
Apphia | Junia | Syntyche |
Apphia | Junia | Syntyche |
Berenice | Keturah | Tamar |
Berenice | Lois | Tamar |
Edna | Lois | Yael |
Medieval Names for a Girl Guinea Pig
Something old, but still absolutely gorgeous. Medieval names have been forgotten and put on the side. However, we are free to use them as we wish and there are some beautiful names that could fit your little guinea pig girl perfectly.
Alize | Letia | Rhene |
Amelia | Lexuri | Rinne |
Amice | Liest | Rosalind |
Cecy | Loreta | Royse |
Dadin | Lyra | Sabin |
Dot | Lyveva | Sely |
Duua | Mahina | Sibly |
Elicia | Map | Sisley |
Else | Megge | Sol |
Emerlee | Meggy | Stace |
Eneka | Mere | Stina |
Essylt | Miriella | Swale |
Ethel | Morgana | Tacia |
Fellis | Muriel | Taggy |
Foy | Mylle | Thaleia |
Francesse | Naroa | Thebe |
Garazi | Nekane | Thyia |
Glyke | Nereida | Trixie |
Guinevere | Nicia | Uli |
Gwen | Oria | Ulia |
Gyly | Oriana | Urcy |
Haize | Otilia | Ureni |
Haoys | Parezi | Uzuri |
Hawisa | Parmys | Veleda |
Helice | Patty | Wavin |
Hida | Pauee | Wea |
Iera | Paz | Wybir |
Imanie | Pia | Xixili |
Jeike | Pilar | Yda |
Johi | Precious | Ydany |
Karin | Printza | Ylaria |
Katrin | Quenill | Ysane |
Kea | Raisa | Ysmena |
Kypris | Regana | Yzebel |
Lecelin | Resli | Zelai |
Lecia | Rewi | Zuria |
Literary Names for a Girl Guinea Pig

If you are a big fan of books, why not pass some of that love to your female guinea pig? Let your imagination help you find the perfect name for your girl guinea pig. On the list of female guinea pig names, we will also give you names of amazing women who changed people’s lives with their writing.
Adichie (Chimamanda Ngozi) | Margaret (Atwood) |
Austen (Jane) | Ophelia |
Cinderella | Shelly (Mary) |
Elanor | Virginia (Woolf) |
Lunete |
Ancient and Vintage Names for a Girl Guinea Pig
Just like the medieval ones, ancient and vintage names are quite unique and different and will be a perfect fit for multi-color guinea pigs. These names are the ultimate “unique but amazing” choices for your female guinea pig.
Abigail | Damaris | Ligeia |
Adele | Damiane | Mae |
Amia | Elizabella | Mahala |
Annia | Emmeline | Marjorie |
Atarah | Eucalia | Meriall |
Aurelia | Faye | Minerva |
Basilia | Galla | Paccia |
Blanche | Gaynor | Persis |
Cassia | Gwenore | Una |
Circe | Imogene | Verity |
Cordelia | Jessamine | Vida |
Cordelia | Juno | Winifred |
Cyra |
Food Names for a Girl Guinea Pig

If you are a big fan of food, there are plenty of cute names based on food for your girl piggy. Again, use your imagination. What’s your favorite food? From different types of candy to healthy food and fruit, the choices are almost endless!
Apple | Flan | Pea |
Banana | Goji | Peanut |
Bean | Gooseberry | Pepper |
Berry | Hazelnut | Pickle |
Biscotti | Hot Chocolat | Pie |
Biscuit | Kale | Pineapple |
Brownie | Kiwi | Plum |
Buttercream | Lemon | Popcorn |
Candy | Lima | Pudding |
Carrot | Mango | Pumpkin |
Celery | Melon | Raspberry |
Cheesecake | Meringue | Scone |
Cherry | Milkshake | Shallot |
Cinnamon | Mooncake | Shortbread |
Cocoa | Nectarine | Snickers |
Coconut | Nugget | Toast |
Cookie | Nutella | Waffle |
Croissant | Oatmeal | Walnut |
Crumble | Onion | Watermelon |
Cupcake | Oreo | Wintergreen |
Donut | Pancake | Yam |
Eclair | Papaya | Zucchini |
Egg |
Simple Tips for Choosing the Ideal Girl Guinea Pig Name

We have provided you with the best girl guinea pig names that are unique, gorgeous, and cute. It is a tough decision, but all you need to do is to observe your little girl guinea pig and see how she leads her life:
- Is she messy?
- Is she super calm?
- Does she have crazy hair?
- Does she like to sleep all day?
- Is she always eating?
- Is she a complete angel?
Ask yourself these questions and you will not choose the wrong name for your girl. Again, you didn’t just get a pet, you got a friend for life so choose wisely and make your little girl guinea pig happy.
Feel free to use as much imagination as you want, joining names or changing them. The goal, in the end, is to be satisfied with the guinea pig name you have chosen. Best of luck!
Related: Boy Guinea Pig Names (500+ Cute, Cool, Funny & Unique Names)