Often mistaken to be the same thing, hamsters and guinea pigs are two different animals. Guinea pigs tend to exhibit a few similarities to hamsters, but this does not put them under one category.
The rivalry between these two animals cannot even allow you to place them in the same cage. These two animals are rodents belonging to the order of Rodentia but in a different family. But, does it mean that they can the same food?
Can guinea pigs eat hamster food? Guinea pigs can eat hamster food, but under limited amounts. Hamster food is made of nuts, corns, seeds, and other crunchy foods. As you can see, there are hamster foods that your little cavies cannot feed on.
This article will discuss some nitty-gritty info about hamster food in relation to guinea pigs’ food diet. So just keep reading to learn about benefits, nutrition, and even possible risks among other factors of this food!
Table of Content
Is Hamster Food Good for Guinea Pigs? | Health Benefits

What does your cavy stand to gain by eating hamster food? Are there any benefits that your little pet can get from sharing the hamster’s diet? Let’s look at some of the benefits of feeding your cavy hamster food:
- Good digestion. These foods are rich in dietary fiber which is essential in the process of digestion and bowel movement in general. If you want your little pet to have an easy time with digesting foods, hamster diet is the right plan to use. Remember that cavies naturally have a weak digestive system and thus offering assistance to them goes a long way.
- Weight control. Hamster foods can enhance loss of weight in your guinea pig. They have less calories that will reduce the overall amount of calories taken in by the body in addition to their ability to induce satiety.
- Control of blood sugar. Since hamster foods are less sugary, they can control the levels of blood sugar in guinea pigs just as they do for hamsters. Again fiber that is found in most of these foods also can control blood sugar levels.
- This food can help with cholesterol. Cholesterol is a toxic compound that is found in the body. When it is too high, it can cause severe damage to the heart and can even lead to the death of your little pet. Hamster foods can rectify this fault and reduce the presence of cholesterol.
- Boosts the immunity. Hamster foods have ready nutrients that can benefit the immune system of your cavy. This will help them fight diseases and infections thus emerging as strong and healthy pets.
- Control of blood pressure. Studies have shown the ability of some hamster foods being applied for the control of blood pressure in cavies. This means that feeding your guinea pig these foods can potentially reduce the risks of rising blood pressure levels.
- Helps in the elimination of free radicals. Some hamster foods are filled with antioxidants that aid in the removal of free radicals from the body. Free radicals occur due to metabolic processes that are normal to cavies but can be dangerous if not dealt with accordingly.
Nutrition Facts of Hamster Food

There’s a lot your guinea pig is set to gain when it comes down to the nutrients in hamster foods. The following are some of the nutrients that you can expect in most hamster foods:
- Dietary fiber – This is quite common in most hamster foods. It helps the cavy to have a smooth bowel movement on top of boosting the entire digestion process. This mineral is vital in the maintenance of a good heart system and the guard against any heart-related complications.
- Vitamin A. This vitamin is essential when it comes to boosting immunity and also boosting eyesight.
Is Hamster Food Bad for Guinea Pigs? | Possible Risks

Since the two animals, hamsters and guinea pigs, have a traditional rivalry for each other, it is expected that their foods cannot be entirely safe for either side. On the side of guinea pigs, these are the potential risks associated with feeding them hamster foods:
- Choking hazard. Your guinea pig can suffer choking-related problems from consuming hamster foods such as seeds. Seeds are not advisable for cavies and should be avoided by all means.
In case your guinea pig swallows a seed by mistake, offer it sufficient water and stop the feeding process right away. If the situation gets out of hand, then you can take it to the nearest vet for a quick solution to the problem.
- Most hamster foods lack vitamin C. This is a high risk especially if you’re feeding your cavy these foods regularly. Guinea pigs can’t create vitamin C on their own. That is why they need an external source for the vitamin and denying them that is equal to destroying their health and immunity.
Related Questions
How Often Can I Feed My Guinea Pig Hamster Food?

Since the foods are vitamin C deficient, you can give them to your cavy only once a week and supplement them with other healthier foods. Cavies need vitamin C, and thus, you cannot afford to deny them this vitamin. You can use hamster foods as extra snacks or treats which you give occasionally.
Can My Guinea Pig Feed on All Hamster Foods?

You cannot feed your guinea pig with all the hamster foods. This is because of the potential choking hazard that they present. Simply avoid hamster foods that are tiny and can choke your little cavies.
Quick Facts on Hamsters

Most people have had hamsters as pets, and in most cases, they have no idea of some facts about these animals. So, having looked at how hamsters’ food can benefit your cavy and how much nutritional content they have, take a look at the following quick facts about these pets:
- Hamsters are rodents and belong to the Cricetinae.
- There are about 25 different species of hamsters in the world.
- The most popular variety of hamster kept as pets are the Syrian hamster.
- As cute as hamsters look, they are equally used for scientific tests in labs.
- Hamsters are easy pets to handle in terms of care and food. They can also undergo harsh conditions as compared to other pets and are friendly to humans.
- These pets exist in various colors to choose from depending on the species. You, therefore, have a variety of colors to choose from as a pet owner.
- Hamsters move around employing scent and smell. They use this feature to locate food and to trace their movements.
- These animals are color blind on top of having terrible eyesight.
- These pets are good at digging and can dig huge holes which they use to move around.
We have also made a full list of foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat (150+ Types of Foods). Be sure to also check our recommended products page for everything you will ever need to assure a happy life for your guinea pigs. Hope this information was helpful and you have found the answer you were looking for.
List of Sources
Vitamin C Requirements of the Guinea-Pig
Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals: Fourth Revised Edition
The Effects of Diet on Anatomy, Physiology and Health in the Guinea Pig