There are different types of grass in the world. Now, you are probably wondering if you are allowed to give grass to your pet guinea pig? Let’s find out!
Can guinea pigs eat grass? Guinea pigs can eat grass. They enjoy eating it, and this can even be their staple food if you are looking for one. The digestive tract of guinea pigs is designed in such a manner that it can take in a lot of forage. Therefore, feeding the cavy with grass is something that is highly advisable and encouraged.
You probably don’t know the benefits, nutrition, health risks, and quick facts about grass. No worries, we got you covered!
Table of Content
Is Grass Good for Guinea Pigs? | Health Benefits

Grasses have an array of benefits to humans and animals. In this part, we will focus on guinea pigs. The following are some of the benefits:
- Helps with the elimination of free radicals. Since the grass is rich in several antioxidants, it helps get rid of free radicals which would, in turn, lead to diseases and infection.
This is achieved through the presence of antioxidants among many other nutrients.
- Aids in the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body. Cholesterol is a harmful waxy substance that is found in the body of humans and animals. Cavies have the potential to suffer from the effects of this substance, and that is why they need protection from it.
The truth is that the body needs cholesterol, but too much of it is harmful. Grass helps to reduce the chances of cholesterol levels rising in the guinea pig’s body.
- Helps in blood sugar control. Grasses generally lack high sugar levels. In some cases, they have minimal to zero sugar in them. When the blood sugar level in guinea pigs rises, it can lead to death.
Apart from death, some of the other effects of high blood sugar levels include thirst, headache, frequent bowel movements, and tiredness. These are things that you can quickly notice on your cavy which can prompt you to feed it grass since grass helps in this regulation.
- Prevention of inflammation. Research has shown the benefits of grasses when it comes to preventing inflammation. This is a regular occurrence by the body to guard against infections and injury.
When your guinea pig is injured or has some disease, grasses can help to reduce inflammation and speed up recovery.
- Grass can help your cavy lose some weight. First of all, it doesn’t have high sugar levels like some of the other foods do. The grasses have fiber that increases satiety thus limiting the intake of the excess food by the pet.
When the cavy eats fewer foods, it equally tends to reduce the levels of calories that get into the body. This is one way to reduce weight.
- Helps with fighting infections. Grass has been proven to help fight diseases and viruses that are somewhat hard for antibiotics to fight against. This makes it easy for the cavy to stay healthy.
- Alleviates stomach pains or aches. It also helps to deal with problems such as diarrhea.
Nutrition Facts of Grass

The grass is a nutrient-potent veggie and is known to harbor a lot of nutrients in it. Some of the best-known examples include the following:
- Dietary fiber – Cavies need this for proper digestion and prevention of stomach upsets and ailments.
- Vitamin C – Cavies have a hard time creating this vitamin on their own, and that is why they need it in massive amounts and regularly.
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin B
Is Grass Bad for Guinea Pigs? | Possible Risks

There aren’t many risks that grasses can have on cavies since they can even be used as primary foods for the pet. However, there are rare occurrences where potential risks can arise and the grass is no exception. The following are some of the possible dangers:
- Allergic reactions. In case you notice any form of allergic reaction in your cavy, may be vomiting or diarrhea, stop the feeding process until you have clear advice from a qualified vet on what you should do next.
- Grasses are susceptible to mold attack. This can destroy the potency of the grass and become a potential poison to the cavy.
This means that you should thoroughly examine the grass and wash it properly before feeding the guinea pig. Otherwise, you might be risking your pet’s life.
Serving and Frequency of Grass for Guinea Pigs

How Much Grass Can We Feed to Our Guinea Pigs?
They are free to eat as much as they want. In moderation, grass can be served since it includes a reasonable amount of Vitamin C and many other necessary nutrients. Grass has a relatively little quantity of fiber yet a considerable amount of nutrients.
How Often Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass?
You may give grass to your guinea pig every day if it does not respond allergically because it is not dangerous. To maintain the nutritional balance and ensure that your guinea pig receives all the necessary nutritional advantages, you can offer grass along with some vegetables.
More Information About Guinea Pig and Grass
Can You Feed Guinea Pigs Fresh Grass Safely?
For guinea pigs, fresh grass is safe. It’s important that guinea pigs consume enough fiber when they eat grass since fiber improves their digestion. But there are some restrictions.
You should gradually introduce guinea pig grass (or any other new food item) into your guinea’s diet. If they are not already used to daily periods of time spent eating on new grass, it might upset his small stomach.
Guinea pigs can catch parasite eggs that dwell in the soil and on grass blades, much like many other animals that eat grass. In order to determine if they need to be dewormed, guineas that eat on grass should be frequently tested for intestinal parasites.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass Seeds?

Due to the high-fat content in grass seeds, guinea pigs cannot consume them. When taken in excess, it can harm our guinea pigs seriously by making them obese.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Grass Clover?
Guinea pigs can eat grass clover. Clover may be used as a food, but use caution because it is heavy in calcium.
Additionally, if you take grass from another yard, you must ensure that it is free of pesticides and other contaminants caused by air pollution from vehicles. This chemical is harmful to your pet.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Lemongrass?

Since lemongrass contains calcium, our guinea pigs are unable to consume it as part of their diet.
Additionally, since lemongrass also contains citronella oil, we advise against feeding it to your guinea pigs. Lemongrass plants’ stems and leaves generate this oil. Because of this, especially if there is continuous exposure, it is quite detrimental to our guinea pigs.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Wheatgrass?
Guinea pigs can eat wheatgrass. Wheatgrass can really be a nutritious addition to our guinea pigs’ daily diet as a snack.
It contains amino acids and vitamins. Along with many other nutrients, it is an excellent source of potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamin A and C. So there is no need to be concerned about serving wheatgrass to our guinea pigs.
If your piggie is not used to it, start giving it to them in very little amount. If you serve them in big quantities immediately, they can have digestive problems.
Related: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Wheatgrass? (Benefits, Risks, Serving Size & More)
Can I Cook Grass for My Guinea Pig?

Guinea pigs love fresh fruits and vegetables. Therefore, when you decide to feed the guinea pig veggies, you must make sure it is fresh and not cooked. They do not eat prepared foods as we do. Thus, you can’t cook grass for your guinea pig.
Can I Use Grass as the Main Diet for My Cavy?
You can use grass as the main diet for your cavy. Grasses are very healthy for guinea pigs. For this reason, you can consistently feed your guinea pig grasses without hesitation or fear.
After all, they enjoy the feed. But try and supplement the grass with other feeds to create balance.
Is It a Good Idea to Let Guinea Pigs Eat Grass Outside?

Allowing your guinea pigs to roam free and eat grass in your backyard isn’t a bad idea. But it’s also not the best course of action.
You must make sure that the grass is completely dry before letting your guinea pigs go about and eat on it. Your piggies will get wet when you let them roam around on wet grass.
They are susceptible to skin disorders, hair loss, fungal infections, and the development of skin sores in addition to the common cold. Additionally, grass that has been damp for a while may get moldy, which is bad for their health.
The grasses that are developing in your yard must also be watched out for since several of them are poisonous to guinea pigs. Additionally, some of the grass may have been treated in the past with fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals that are dangerous to their health.
Quick Facts on Grasses
Grasses have been in existence since ancient times and are amongst some of the oldest plants present. The following are some of the quick facts about grass:
- There are over 10,000 different grass types in the world.
- Certain types of grasses are used in the manufacture of alcoholic drinks.
- Some grasses are used in the manufacture of papers while others can be used in thatching roofs.
- The photosynthesis process gives grasses a green color.
- The grass is the oldest living thing that has been discovered.
- Species of grass known as seagrass that scientists discovered to have existed for over 200,000 years.
- Palm trees are a species of tall grass.
- Most of the earth’s land is covered by grass.
- Grasses are among the largest ecosystems in the world.
- 20-40% of the earth is covered by grass.
- Around 800 million people in the world rely on grasses for livelihood and agriculture.
- Grass conserves water in the world by acting as an anchor for loose soil.
- Grass cleans the air on earth by absorbing and dispersing rays from the sun.
We have also made a full list of foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat (150+ Types of Foods). Be sure to also check our recommended products page for everything you will ever need to assure a happy life for your guinea pigs. Hope this information was helpful and you have found the answer you were looking for.
List of Sources
Caring for Your Pet Guinea Pig
Vitamin C Requirements of the Guinea-Pig
Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals: Fourth Revised Edition
The Effects of Diet on Anatomy, Physiology and Health in the Guinea Pig