Almonds are seeds that can be eaten and are often consumed by human beings and animals. They are quite nutritious and have started to gain popularity over the years.
Can guinea pigs eat almonds? Guinea pigs can eat almonds. However, it should be provided in regulation to avoid any forms of complications. Otherwise, it is not a bad idea to give your guinea pig this treat. Besides, almonds also have some useful benefits for the body of your guinea pig. It can be a way to boost its health and immune system.
In this article, you will be aware of the health benefits, nutrition facts, and risks linked with feeding almonds to guinea pigs.
Table of Content
Are Almonds Good for Guinea Pigs? | Health Benefits

Almonds are filled with health benefits for the body of guinea pigs. The following are some of the benefits that your little pet stands to gain after consuming these wonderful seeds:
- Almonds help to get rid of free radicals. Since they are rich in antioxidants, they provide the guinea pig with immediate help to remove free radicals from its body.
- Protects cells from oxidative damage. This is achieved through the use of vitamin E.
- Helps to control blood sugar. The magnesium that is found in the seeds is used in the control of blood sugar.
- Can lower cholesterol levels. Almonds are known to help prevent the occurrence and also to reduce the presence of cholesterol in the body.
- Reduces hunger. When your guinea pig consumes almonds, it will reduce its urge to eat, thus reducing the intake of calories into the body. This does not mean that you won’t need to feed your pet, but its hunger will go down by a great extent. The protein and fiber that is present in the almond seeds tend to increase satiety, thus reducing food intake.
- Effective for weight loss. In case your guinea pig seems to be increasing in weight, then it would be best to put it on an almond diet. This is a great idea is because of their tendency to boost satiety and hence limit the intake of food. Excess calories can lead to an increase in the overall body weight or even obesity in dire situations.
- Can boost metabolism. Research has shown that the consumption of almonds can be a great way to increase the overall body metabolism.
- Boosts digestion. Due to the presence of fiber, almonds have been proven to help in digestion consequently easing the bowels and preventing any chances of constipation.
Nutrition Facts of Almonds

Concerning nutrition, almonds are reasonably nutritious seeds. They have essential nutrients that can help your little piggies to lead a better and healthier life. See the following nutrients for instance:
- Protein. Known to increase satiety and reduce the intake of more food and calories.
- Dietary fiber. This one is useful in digestion and the prevention of constipation.
- Vitamin E. This vitamin is rich in antioxidants and thus helps in the elimination of free radicals.
- The magnesium mineral is useful for the control of blood sugar levels in the body.
Are Almonds Bad for Guinea Pigs? | Possible Risks

Almonds have a fair share of risks to guinea pigs. That is why you will need to regulate how much almonds you feed to your piggies. Your guinea pig can fundamentally be affected by the following factors:
- Almonds are rich in excess fat. Too much fat is harmful to your little pet and can change its health if eaten over regular periods.
- Potential choking hazards. Just from their size, even human beings can choke on them. The fact that they are seeds makes it even worse for guinea pigs as they can easily choke while eating the treats. Always keep an eye on the pets at all times to be aware of any cause for alarm.
Related Question
Is It Necessary to Monitor Guinea Pig Eating Almonds?

Unfortunately, almonds are risky. This is because they are seeds and can quickly choke your little piggies. When feeding your guinea pig any other vegetable or fruit, you may be comfortable to run other errands in the meantime.
This cannot be the case with feeding almonds to your guinea pig.
The seeds are tiny and can stick on the throat of the guinea pig making it choke. This is why you need to be seated close to it and monitor the whole process until it is complete. After that, you can attend to other businesses.
In the case that the guinea pig started choking on the almond, you don’t need to panic. You can try and give it sufficient water or even pat it on the back until it can release the seed. If it get worst, you can reach a veterinary doctor for help.
Quick Facts on Almonds

Almonds are seeds that are gotten from the almond tree. That is just one fact that you probably knew. The following are some of the quick facts on almonds:
- They originate from the Middle East.
- The United States of America is the largest producer of almonds.
- Almonds are also used in the production of oil, butter, flour, and almond milk.
- Almonds are said to be one of the first foods to be cultivated.
- They were served to the Egyptian pharaohs.
- Franciscan Padres brought the almond tree from Spain to California in the mid-1700s.
- They grow best in Mediterranean climates.
- They can be refrigerated for up to 2 years making them last for a long time.
- Their long life is due to the presence of vitamin E.
- They are considered brain foods in India.
- To make a pint of almond oil, you would need 1000 pounds of almond.
- They are used in the manufacture of chocolates.
- There are over 30 different types of almonds but only ten that are considered safe for consumption.
- California alone produces almost 80% of the whole almonds produced in the entire world.
- They belong to the rose family.
- According to the Hebrew Bible, almonds symbolize promise and watchfulness since they flower early.
- Christians in most cases use almond branches to symbolize the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
- Romans used to shower newly-wed couples with almonds to symbolize fertility wishes.
- As for the Chinese, they consider almonds as a sign of enduring sadness and female beauty as well.
We have also made a full list of foods that guinea pigs can and can’t eat (150+ Types of Foods). Be sure to also check our recommended products page for everything you will ever need to assure a happy life for your guinea pigs. Hope this information was helpful and you have found the answer you were looking for.
List of Sources
Vitamin C Requirements of the Guinea-Pig
Nutrient Requirements of Laboratory Animals: Fourth Revised
Dietary Requirements of the Guinea Pig With Reference to the Need for a Special Factor