Guinea pigs can be a tempting choice when it comes to buying pets. They are irresistibly cute and mushy and it’s easy to fall for their innocent charm at the very first encounter.
Now, you are probably wondering if they are loud especially during the night when you are trying to sleep.
Are guinea pigs loud at night? They are actually quiet animals but they do sometimes communicate with each other during the night. The variety of noises they make during the night can sometimes be irritating and disturb your sleep if you keep their cage in the same room where you sleep.
Now, let’s see what types of sounds guinea pigs make during the night and how to prevent them from being too loud. Let’s start!
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Are Guinea Pigs Loud at Night?

Guinea pigs can make during the night but aren’t that loud or overly noisy. However, these guinea pig sounds are so squeaky that you won’t be able to sleep in peace. One common cause of the noise is that guinea pigs are hungry or not happy with their food.
These innocuous, sweet-looking animals can get on your nerves but you can easily fix this by keeping their cage in some other room. Guinea pigs can be loud for health reasons and believe it or not, they can even die of loneliness.
Types of Sounds Guinea Pigs Make During the Night
Many pet owners don’t make an effort to know and learn what kind of sounds guinea pigs make. They never really know when their pet is in distress or excited. Sometimes, guinea pigs just need food to satiate their hunger, for which they make small screechy noises.
If you don’t understand the behavior of your guinea pig, this can be an issue because you won’t recognize potential health problems. A little effort invested in learning their ways of communication can save you from lots of hassle.
These are the most common sounds you must know that guinea pigs can make during the night:
This is a low pitch sound with vibration. If you have only one guinea pig at home, then you will not get to listen to this sound. The male guinea pig generally makes this sound when he wants to woo the female pig for mating.
It’s funny to watch how a male guinea pig starts wiggling his hips and starts walking around the female one. During that time, he makes a sound which is called rumbling and the movement is called rumbling strut.
The female guinea pig makes the same sound when she is ready to mate. Your pets can make these sounds during the night, but these sounds aren’t that loud.
The wheeking sound of a guinea pig is similar to the roofing sounds that dogs make. They generally make these sounds when they are hungry.
If you have dedicated a specific time for feeding your guinea pigs, then they will wheek during that time if you haven’t already served them their meal.
If they watch you coming with food, they will probably wheek out of excitement. Guinea pigs never make this sound when they are in the jungle. This type of sound is meant for communicating with humans. According to scientists, they learned this sound after domestication.
Growl is the sound guinea pigs make when they are in distress and are suffering from pain. They also make this sound when they are afraid of something strange approaching them or when they are in a different environment.
Sometimes, this growling sound is directed towards the other guinea pig in the cage. In that case, you will try and understand the cause. This can be anything ranging from food to wanting to get out of the cage.
Teeth Chattering
Whenever your guinea pigs are unhappy, angry, or agitated, they start making these teeth chattering sounds. This may happen when you introduce a new guinea pig in the cage.
Teeth chattering are sounds with which they warn the new guinea pig so that it doesn’t invade their space. It’s their way of showing hostility.
This purring sound is very unique and indigenous to guinea pigs. You should not confuse it with the purring sound of a cat.
They generally make these sounds because they are happy and content. You will get to listen to this sound when you are petting or pampering your pet.
On the other hand, if they hear a strange sound or noise, they will make the same sound. The interpretation of this sound depends on the situation.
Only some guinea pigs make these sounds. It’s a form of onomatopoeia or a repeated streak of chutting sounds. You will probably never hear this sound as it is rare.
They make this sound when they are relaxed, happy, and content or when you are petting your guinea pig. There are some other sounds like whining which is a high-pitched moan and shrieking which it makes at the time of distress.
Ways to Stop Your Guinea Pigs From Making Noise During the Night

Now that you can identify the noises of your guinea pigs and the reason behind each of these sounds, you need to know how to stop them from making such sounds because they can be a nuisance during the night.
It’s preferable to ensure that they never make these noises during the night.
You can do the following ways to prevent them from making these noises during the night:
1. Keep Fresh Water in the Bowl Before Sleeping
Sometimes, your guinea pigs can start making noise because they don’t have water to drink during the night. You should always keep a bowl of fresh water in the cage before going to bed. This will keep you absolved of those whining and growling sounds that they can make out of thirst.
2. Always Give Them Fresh Vegetables to Eat
This is more often overlooked by the owners. But let’s face it, your guinea pigs are susceptible to diseases. If you give them rotten vegetables, even if it is unintentional from your side, there are chances that they will fall sick. Then, they will make a whining sound implicating that they are not well. So, better give them vegetables as part of their diet.
3. The Cage
This shall not come as a surprise because the kind of environment we provide them makes up their mood. So, if the cage is too small, then they will soon start feeling claustrophobic. This feeling will suffocate them and then they will start making a growling sound again.
Moreover, you should put a sheet blanket or a simple woolen sheet to make them feel safe. It’s about providing good hospitality to your adorable guinea pigs. They really need space, so consider buying a bigger cage.
4. Wash Them With Shampoo
Your service isn’t over with providing them good accommodation and serving them good food. You need to ensure that they bathe well. Their unclean body will irritate them and it will cause a sense of grouse in them. So, you need to clean them on a regular basis so that they don’t get frustrated because of the dirt on their body. Guinea pigs clearly want to stay adorable and not dirty.
5. Always Get Two Guinea Pigs of Opposite Sex
These pigs can make a lot of noise if left alone. They always need a partner with them. So, it’s necessary to buy them in pairs to stay exempt from the hassle.
6. Make Them Sleep
Generally, guinea pigs don’t sleep as much as humans. However, if they stay awake, then they will continue making the noise. The best way to make them sleep and get them accustomed to your life cycle is by giving them snacks before you go to sleep.
You can put some hay and veggies which will make them good for the night and there are better chances that they will fall asleep.
This nighttime snack routine will make them habitual when it comes to sleeping in the night. But you need to strictly follow this schedule to ensure it sticks with them.
7. Keep Them Active
The inactive guinea pigs are more likely to become grouchy when you don’t give proper attention to them. You need to keep guinea pigs busy with one thing or the other.
This is because once they are active the whole day, they are more likely to take rest during the night, thereby making your night pleasant.
8. The Magic Trick
If your guinea pigs still continue making unbearable noise in the night after you follow the above ways, in most of the cases, they are uncontrollably hungry.
There may be some other reasons too, but you can try this trick which rarely fails. You just need to train them. It’s all about communicating with your guinea pig.
Step 1: Keep a bowl of vegetables below your bed.
Step 2: Once they start making noise, you need to approach their cage. They are certainly not going to stop at this point in time. Thereafter, pick up the bowl and move towards them.
Step 3: Once you reach their cage, open it and start petting them. A time will come and they will stop making that noise. Once they stop, serve them the veggies at that very moment.
Next time, when they make noise, repeat the same magic trick. You will be surprised to know that guinea pigs are intelligent to know that the sooner they stop the screechy noise, the sooner they will have their veggies to eat. It’s all about offering them something they can’t refuse.
Guinea pigs are basically very pleasant pets to keep at home if you know how to handle their behavior. Knowing and taking care of them accordingly will ensure that you won’t get any sounds and whines while you are sleeping.
Before you can try to resolve this situation, it is important for you to understand the way they communicate and the meaning of the sounds they make.
Be sure to also check our recommended products page for everything you will ever need to assure a happy and healthy life for your guinea pigs.
All things considered, guinea pigs are quiet animals compared to the other pets and if you are looking for a well-behaved companion you should definitely consider having this fluffy ball of fur as a pet.
List of Sources
How to Care for Your Guinea Pig
Different Representations of Tooth Chatter and Purr Call in Guinea Pig Auditory Cortex